Wednesday, September 22, 2010


21st of September 2010... This date marks the final day of my 5 year battle and struggle in medical school *Yes it was a struggle for me* This past month has really been a tough one for me - stuffing in all that information learnt over the past 5 years - I felt like I was going to lose it. But now it's all over and the wait is here. Waiting for that day to come. That day that will change my life and make my parents happy that finally their son has done it.
What can I do now? PRAY!!! Pray!!! and pray! =P

Friday, September 3, 2010

Today - 2nd Sept 2010

Of all the days you have hurt me today has been the worst.
That tone in your voice I recognize it all so well and I guess hearing you today did snap me back to reality.
I am confused as to what I should do and how I should react.
As of now I am pissed and so very hurt. So don't bother saying anything because after today things are gonna be different. I did say this would happen but you said I shouldn't preach my concepts in life. So whatever to that! you would realize how much you have hurt me one day and by the time that comes I would have recovered and would have found the strength to say what I cannot say now...
Whatever is said this is on me. I brought is upon myself and I should have been more careful. You had your time now let me have mine!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I hate you!




HATE with a capital H A T and E!!!
Is your sole purpose in life to see me hurt??
If that is so, well Congratu-fucking-lations!!!
Mission accomplished for you!!!!

Now pack up and LEAVE!!!