Sunday, February 21, 2010

My 25th Birthday...

17th February.... the day I was eagerly looking forward to and not-so-eagerly looking forward to. Turning 25 years old...*sigh* Feels like I haven't done anything in my life and it already been a quarter of a century. But when I look back at all the years that have passed I smile after seeing how much I have grown as a person *for better or for worse*.

Surviving life for 25 years with all the drama is kinda somewhat of an accomplishment. *hahaha*
Anyways this year my birthday was awesome as usual. Before I say any further about my birthday I wanna say thanks to Dinesh, Gillian and Daveena. You guys are awesome. Thanks a lot for everything guys!!

'Knock..knock..' At 12 midnight as I open the door there stood all my friends - Taran holding the cake, Daveena, Dinesh, Ruben, Chandan, Gayathri, Tasha, Gurpreet, Bob, Sharmila, Veno and Sashini. As I was cutting my cake I receive a call from Gill wishing me. What was my birthday cake?? Secret Recipe's Moist Chocolate cake and yes it was GOooooo-oooOOD!!
As the cake was distributed and everyone was eating it, I was admiring my presents. *Ain't that the best part of birthdays*

Even the O&G department decided to give me a birthday present this year - I was to be on-call from 9am till 9 pm in the labour room of Muar GH!! How awesome right? Well I did honour their present and was there till like 2pm. I was not about to let my birthday pass by in the labour room kan?

Dav took me out for lunch and dinner that night. I had to get back and study for the all-so-waste of time block test that I had on Thursday morning! Anyways my birthday dinner was postponed to Thursday. We had it an Zest in Renaissance Hotel, Malacca. The decor and atmosphere of the place was nice and the buffet was good. After filling our stomachs to the brim *literally! We were all super stuffed* with great difficulty we made our way back home.

To all my friends:
Thanks guys for everything! It was an awesome birthday! =)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Long Time Ago

I know it's been ages since my last post.. actually it hasnt been that long but it just feels so. Tonight I'm sitting here typing because of obvious reasons that I am refraining to jump on my bed and sink into slumber land! A.K.A High....
Wanna judge me on that? I dun give two rats' A**!!
Tonight was Leeky's birthday dinner followed by a small gathering at her house. Boy oh boy was it a... How shall I put it??...LOUD gathering... hehehe but I sure had lotsa fun. Laughed so much... practically most of the time.. Btw guys... ice is meant for putting in drinks!! Don't go crazy with it!! *winks*