Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Almost halfway done!

Today at 12 something in the afternoon marked the end of my Final MBBS MEQ portion of the examinations. It started last Friday with the medicine paper and today was the surgical paper. Both paper had their pros and cons but whatever they are I'm just glad that it is over. I hope I had done enough to at least pull my marks up to a passing grade.
Next hurdle would be the multiple choice questions which begin on Wednesday and end on Friday. Looking forward to the weekend?? Not really. I still have my OSCE exam on the following Tuesday. It is like a never-ending strings of exams one after the other. I hope I come out of this as a doctor. I really don't want to spend another 6 months staring at my text books.
Today after the paper I decided I wanted to go bowling! It was my way of kinda releasing all my anger, stress and tension. And it kinda worked after bowling strikes and spares I did feel much better afterwards. Highest score so far 172. =D Next target to score more than 200!
After bowling, Daveena, Taran and I went to Jusco to do some window shopping. Actually more like I did some window shopping and those 2 actually did buy some stuff.
We then met up with Gillian, Andrew, Dinesh and Ruben for dinner and Papa John's Pizza. I really did enjoy dinner. The pizza we ordered ( The Mexican Ole and Chicken Super Papa) was good! The main reason we were all out and in Jusco tonight was because of Baskin Robbins. They were having this discount in conjunction with Merdeka - 31% off every pint, quart, or half gallon of any flavour. Who would miss that right??!! So we all went for it. =D
I ended up buying 2 pints for myself which now sits quietly in my freezer awaiting me... =D

Friday, August 27, 2010

You don't get to....

You don't get to call me up and act like nothing ever did happen.
You don't get to expect me to act or normal.
You don't get to expect anything from me anymore.
Simply for the fact when all I expected from you was just you and your presence but what I got in return was just tears and heartache!!

So NO!!
You don't get to question anything about me or my behaviour.
You don't get to have any say in anything I do!
You just DON'T!!!....

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Final Stretch!

It's here finally! The week I have been dreading! Oh my! The nerves have been kicking in for quite some time already but I keep suppressing them. But now I dunno... I'm stressed, tensed, freaking out. What if I don't get through this? I mean this is after all the BIG finals you know. I somehow manage to scrap through the other examinations but this is in like a whole new level.
I really want to get through this phase of my life and begin the next phase. The phase where I get to work and care for my family. I wanna be there for them and provide for them. But in order for that to happen I need to freaking pass this HUGE hurdle that is coming in a few days.
Good luck to all my friends who are sitting for this HURDLE together with me. Let's meet on the other side of the finish line!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How do I mend an unproductive day?

2nd week of study break. Most people have had immense progress in their studying at this point but looking at where I am... I'm so lost! Just a little shy of a week to go before it all happens - FINAL MBBS EXAMINATION. To imagine this is THE exam what would bring all my childhood ambitions that much closer. Its so surreal. At times I sit and think that it took me so long to get here and in the process of getting here somehow I kinda lost the passion I had when I told my Primary 4 class teacher I wanted to be a doctor!

Keeping that aside, let's talk about today. More like yesterday! The 11th of August 2010. Had slept so late the night before. I think it was almost 530 am by the time I hit the bed and by the time I actually slept it was like almost 7. Why you ask? Well I was having a heart-to-heart session with a best friend over the phone. Something I used to do when I was in Manipal. It was nice and re-assuring at some points just to know that there is someone out there who would hear my rants and vents.
As a result of a late night, I only woke up at like 11am. Decided to do my laundry. After that was done, decided I will go to the library. It was quite productive to some extent in the library. Did some reading then went to the gym. *I've made it a point to drag my ass there everyday no matter what - so proud of myself* Came back home only to find out that my SATC2 download was finally over. How can I not watch this now that it is within my reach? *evil laugh*
OMG! The movie was thoroughly entertaining. I laughed so much. With all that has been happening, it was really nice to laugh and for a moment forget about everything. *P.S. Abu Dhabi is now on my list! The place is just gorgeous!!*
After the movie I went for dinner with Gill and Dav. I really do miss hanging out with my friends. With studybreak and all everyone is busy studying and we haven't hung out as a group. After this would be finals and soon we will all be going our separate ways. It's kinda sad to know that I would be leaving these guys because honestly my group of friends have been the most awesome bunch of people I have gotten to know over the years. From being studious to wild wild fun people, my friends are everything - the total package!! I love you guys no matter what!!
*not mentioning names because you know who you are and yes I do mean YOU!!*

Monday, August 9, 2010

Love - Just an overrated feeling??

This Saturday there was an article in the Sun newspaper about Love vs. Lust and I must say I found it to be a very interesting read. Though I didn't entirely agree on their definition and explanation of love and lust, it was 'interesting'.
For the past years I have been someone who believed in love and all those hopeless antics that comes with it. *though Love At First Sight I can never accept* You can call me someone who believes in all those cliche stuff about love. Butterflies in your stomach, the constant smile when you are with that person, so on and so forth. But sadly like the season my outlook on love is
slowly day by day diminishing... disappearing. I dare say I'm at the point of giving up on love. It's just too over-rated nowadays. The social standards that come with it and how at some point everyone has to fall in love. It has become more of a need or want rather than something that was meant to happen when you least expect it.
Just the other day I came across this book that had somewhat ofa questionaire about being in love and the questions asked were all the cliche ones. I mean how many of us has had butterflies in our stomachs when we meet that person? How many of us enjoy just being with that person without even needing to say a word - just their presence and their touch means so much? These kinda things are almost extinct nowadays. To those who still have it, I say you are indeed lucky and please for whatever reason DO NOT let it go.
Many people say love is somewhat of a compromise. But I feel no compromise is needed when there is love because we love that person for who they are and not for what they can become through compromise. That being said... at this age the whole idea of being in love - hugely OVERrated!!